Greek mythology is also popular because of its mysterious and strange creatures. Scylla will be one of creatures which appear in Greek mythology. Although it is only a mythological creature but Greek people believed that Scylla is living on the narrow channel of water. Scylla also symbolize dangerous situation. You can get more information about the history of Scylla from several writings. Interestingly, one of the references said that Scylla is beautiful but she is changed into a monster. Later, Scylla is a monster with six eyes, six long necks, and sharp teeth. In short, Scylla becomes a strange creature.
In different perspective, Lanccelot sees that Scylla is a unique creature. Because of its uniqueness and the controversy of her life, people are easy to remember her even when she becomes a scary monster. In the positive way, Lanccelot thinks that Scylla is considered as a legend. Finally, Lanccelot is transforming the detail of Scylla as the inspiration of Aegis of Scylla. In short, Aegis of Scylla represents the positive characteristics and spirit of Scylla. Just imagine if you can be as beautiful as Scylla as well as unique as her. You will be more attractive and charming. People can easily notice you. To add the meaning of Aegis of Scylla, Lanccelot combines it with light green leather strap. The light green leather strap makes this watch looks interesting and brighter. It seems that Aegis of Scylla consists of positive energy which is ready to transfer to you. For your information, green symbolizes the energy of nature.
It is also about the harmony of your life. It is the reason why Lanccelot creates Aegis of Scylla for you. Lanccelot wants you to have good and harmony in life. Light green is bright and something bright tends to be fresh. It will be great if you are wearing something that makes your fresh. It seems that you have more positive energy to face your days even your hectic days. The best part is that light green is related to the prosperity. Freshness triggers positive energy and by using the positive energy you can finish your job better. As the result, you will have better career and financial condition. Aegis of Scylla really combines fashion and deep meaning of mythology. The spirit of Aegis of Scylla which you should feel and it supports your daily activity in which you can be more confident and better. Just try it and feel it.