Lanccelot is trying to show the pink color can symbolize elegance and perfection. It can be seen on our latest and unique watch collection, Nero King and Queen of Eleanor. With a perfect combination of pink leather strap, white dial, and wood watch case from Zebra wood can be the perfect choice for your fashion watch accessory. Even, by wearing Nero King and Queen of Eleanor by Lanccelot, you will look more sophisticated and elegant than before. Don’t forget that Queen Eleanor has also an important role history, Lancccelot will give the history of Eleanor that inspire Lanccelot in creating and designing Nero King and Queen of Eleanor.
Eleanor of Aquitaine was Queen of France from 1137 to 1152 and Queen of England from 1154 to 1189 and also Duchess of Aquitaine. Eleanor is said to have been named for her mother Aenor and called Aliénor from the Latin alia Aenor, which means the other Aenor. It became Eléanor in the languages of Northern France and Eleanor in English.
The concept designs of Nero King and Queen of Eleanor watch are elegance and classic to show the real you, but also represent the beautiful Queen Eleanor. It can be seen on the combination of pink and brown wood case. In fact, Lanccelot is trying to present the latest fashion item for you.
Brown wood case will represent something precious, royal, yet natural. From the origin itself brown color represent the color of stability, reliability.Pink leather strap color will represent the caring, compassion, and determination of Eleanor as the Queen. White is a formal, elegant, and prestigious color. From the design quality of Nero King and Queen of Eleanor, this watch is the perfect fashion accessory to accompany you in formal events or informal events.
Lanccelot really put the thought of Eleanor into Nero King and Queen of Eleanor and hope the positive energy from Eleanorwill follow every wearer of Nero King and Queen of Eleanor. Let the determination and confidence of Eleanor influence your personality and fashion attire.
As it has been mention, all the spirits, hopes, and moral of the story, Lanccelot has chosen that the main concept of Nero King and Queen of Eleanor with careful consideration and precise design. So, give it a try for Nero King and Queen of Eleanor from Lanccelot.Nero King and Queen of Eleanor will be perfect to accompany your every adventure.